
New work by the band in EP format with three great songs of their own and a wonderful version of an ESKORBUTO song.

End of June 2020. In the midst of a pandemic of fear and illness, KINKI BOYS enters the Silver Recordings studio of Martin Cápsula (Bilbao) to record five new songs, of which four will be part of a 7-inch single that goes on sale on February 26, 2021.

The four songs recorded affect the characteristic style of KINKI BOYS, which is divided into a darker and more sinister part and another more rock and hedonistic. The voices are divided between Vila in the rockiest songs and Marga in some of the darkest songs. In a way, this recording is a continuation of the homonymous first LP “Kinki Boys”, although the band is gradually evolving to other darker terrains, different and far from its original proposal. It's not something premeditated, it's what comes out of the rehearsal room, it's visceral and urgent.